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MMP2 mouse Monoclonal Antibody(1H1)

No Catalog : BZ-080501-AM

Reactivity : Human,Rat,Mouse

Source : Mouse

Type : Monoclonal

Application : IHC-p

Matrix metallopeptidase 2(MMP2) Homo sapiens This gene is a member of the matrixmetalloproteinase (MMP) gene family, that are zinc-dependent enzymes capable of cleavingcomponents of the extracellular matrix and molecules involved in signal transduction. The proteinencoded by this gene is a gelatinase A, type IV collagenase, that contains three fibronectin type IIrepeats in its catalytic site that allow binding of denatured type IV and V collagen and elastin.Unlike most MMP family members, activation of this protein can occur on the cell membrane.This enzyme can be activated extracellularly by proteases, or, intracellulary by itsS-glutathiolation with no requirement for proteolytical removal of the pro-domain. This protein isthought to be involved in multiple pathways including roles in the nervous system, endometrialmenstrual breakdown, regulation ofvascularization, and metastasis.

72 kDa gelatinase, 72 kDa type IV collagenase, CLG4, CLG4A,Gelatinase A, Matrix metalloproteinase 2, MMP 2, MMP II,MMP2, MONA, TBE 1
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